Customer Service

Augment your Customer Service with Remote Visual Assistance to improve service quality and cut down issue resolution time

Customer Service agent assisting customer on live video with AR customer service

Shrink Down the Long Waiting List of Queries

Resolve customer issues faster with our Remote Visual Assistance using Augmented Reality, reduce wait time and keep them happy!


Customer Service agent happy to provide faster solutions with remote customer service

Faster Resolutions

On screen visual AR guidance is way more helpful than textual or voice instructions.

Enhance Service Quality

Deliver fast and effective service with a much higher fix rate.

Expert annotating on live video to guide customer with visual customer service
Money pot depicting cost savings with automated customer service

Reduce Costs

Resolve 90% of issues remotely and  prevent unnecessary on-site dispatches.

Build Customer Trust

Provide your customers timely and effective assistance to gain their trust.

Customer and service provider joining hands due to build of trust with automated customer service

How It Works


Customer receives invite link from remote expert for visual customer service
Customer connects to expert with a click on the session invite link


Expert analyses the problem on remote video to automate customer service
Expert analyses the problem through live stream


Expert guides the customer through the solution for augmented reality customer experience
Expert guides the customer with AR visual instructions through the solution


Happy customer after issue resolution without on-site customer service
The customer confirms that the problem is resolved