Consumer Electronics

Enhance overall consumer experience by simplifying installation, service and repairs with our Augmented Reality Remote Visual Assistance.

Scanning an electronic appliance for remote AR electronics support

Improve your Customer Experience with AR Genie

Resolve customer issues remotely with visual assistance minimizing consumer inconvenience and technician visits


Technician with happy customer after an easy issue resolution with AR in electronics

Enhance First Time Fix Rate

Provide visual guidance to technicians and make troubleshooting much easier and faster.

Faster Installation and Resolution

Make installation and setup super easy for customers with remote assistance addressing any initial consumer issues.

Technician installing/setting up a device quickly with remote assistance from expert
A happy customer with great service and exceptional product experience

More Satisfied Customers

Enhance customer satisfaction with an exception level of product experience.

Minimize Operational Cost

Resolve most issues remotely preventing unnecessary replacements and technician dispatches.

Money jar depicting cost savings with increased machine uptime and better machinery maintenance

How It Works


Customer receives session invite link to connect to remote expert for remote assistance
Customer connects to remote expert with a click on the session invite link


Remote expert analyses the electronic appliance on live video stream
Expert analyses the product on live video stream


Remote expert guides the customer through the installation process for the electronic appliance
Expert guides the customer to with the installation


Happy customer after quick and successful of the electronic product with remote assistance
Customer verifies that he is happy with the product