AR Genie Augmented Reality Maintenance & Repair Solutions

Machinery down or broken equipment?
Put expert repair guidance in your fingertips. See it & fix it fast with real time expertise right next to you infused with Augmented Reality Technology on your mobile, tablets & AR glasses.

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Augmented Reality addressing Maintenance & Repair challenges

Performing Maintenance& Repair on complex industrial machinery or equipment demands quick access to instructions or manuals close to hand.

However, navigating lengthy paper manuals slows down the repair process. Augmented Reality addresses these challenges by enhancing workflows &operations, leading to faster repairs & maintenance tasks.  

Fix it from anywhere without travelling toon-site with AR Assistance & Work instructions

Augmented Reality eliminates long wait times for experts to repair. Implement AR in your business & connect with global subject matter experts in real time with just one tap on the AR app of your device.

Augmented Reality Technology

Access data & get guided AR instructions via live camera video streaming & operate hands free with AR glasses to troubleshoot complex machinery for faster repairs.

How AR Genie Augmented Reality Remote Maintenance & Repair Solutions help industries to solve complex issues remotely

Regular maintenance is a key to prevent costly breakdowns, reducing the long-term expenses on repairs. What if a technician fails to troubleshoot the technical aspect of a defective part of a machinery at the time of urgent need? With AR Genie, technicians need not to struggle more to solve such issues.

Augmented Reality Technology

Elevator Maintenance & Inspection

❖   On-site elevator mechanics or service technicians connect with remote experts via AR GenieApp & AR glasses.
❖  They view 3Delevator models overlaid on their field of view, while a remote expertguide them through AR annotations on live camera video streaming.
❖   Experts suggest solutions in real time bypinpointing potential issues for troubleshooting the process.

While AR Genie Work Assist provides maintenance &inspection personnels with AR manuals orstep-by-step instructional content or checklists in theirfield of view. They can perform tasks such as lubricating components, replacing elevator’s ormachinery worn parts, repairing machine motorsor brakes & replacing old rusty bolts & screws with new ones.

Training & Skill Development of Automotive Workforce

AR based training modules or workflows allow employers to learn efficiently how to operate, install & fix the machinery through 3Dmodels or AR visuals in a controlled environment before engaging with the actual machinery or complex parts of the vehicles. AR digital tools &guided step-by-step instructions ramp up the workers productivity while boosting their job satisfaction.

Augmented Reality Technology
Augmented Reality Technology

Reduce Automobile Assembly Plant Downtime & Save Operational Cost

Unplanned down time due to inefficient troubleshooting is a major cause of concern when dealing with a complex manufacturing equipment. AR assistance and guided work flows helps in resolving the issues swiftly in real time, saving the manufacturing& operational cost with faster visualization and identification.

Improved Customer Experience

Customers facing issues with their vehicles can receive AR guidance from service centers through AR-enabled devices and apps for simple maintenance & troubleshooting tasks. They can explore different features, maintenance & safety protocols of the vehicles through AR enabled demonstration, improving their overall experience.

Augmented Reality Technology

Benefits of Augmented Reality in Remote Maintenance &Repair

Augmented Reality Technology

Reduced Machinery Downtime

with immediate expert real time guidance, faster issue resolution with quick fixes via AR apps and devices.

Medical Equipment Maintenance

Timely servicing, repairs & maintenance of delicate medical equipment are crucial for patient care. AR Genie allows remote specialists to guide on-site medical technicians with

❖  AR overlays
❖  Annotations on live video streaming Highlighting specific parts of the medical equipment or devices for complex maintenance procedures, minimizing downtime for critical devices &specialist visits on-site.   Setting up the medical equipment or machinery in the patient room by nurses& medical staff requires specific equipment knowledge or assistance. AR Genie Self Service allows medical staff to easily set up equipment on their own via automated guidance on the app independently.

Augmented Reality Technology
Augmented Reality Technology

Plumbing Repairs & Pipe Inspections

❖  Fixingplumbing systems can be an easy task like repairing a leaky faucet, but more challenging if it is an emergencyflooding situation replacing old sewer pipes. AR Genie is at the service to help plumbersto rescue the leaky repairs & pipe inspections.

❖   Remote experts can see exactly what a plumber seesby accessing a live video streaming from plumber’s mobile back camera AR view.
❖   Guides through AR annotations & markers by highlighting specific areas damage dworn out pipes.

❖   Share troubleshooting tips & 3D models on chat for closer inspection & leak repair.  AR Genie Work Assist provides step-by-step work instructions & manual sover laid on the plumber’s field of view guiding them to self troubleshoot through the repair process by following AR manuals.

Assembly Line Maintenance & Repair

❖  When even a minor production line stops in a high-volume assembly environment due to complicated procedures or components, it significantly affects the entire output.

AR Genie’ augmented reality solution tackles those complex challenges by providing frontline assembly workers or technicians equipped with tablets or AR glasses remote expertise guidance in real-time.
❖   Step-by-step AR workflows❖    3D models Dynamic parts identification & annotations over the physical assembly line guide them through the complex procedures, leading to smoother production & fewer errors.

Augmented Reality Technology