Make Insurance Claims more Faster & Secure with Augmented Reality Remote Visual Assistance

Visiting on-site personally for insurance claims & validating the right data for processing, usually takes a much longer time. To make this process of insurance life cycle more simpler & secure, Augmented Reality powered Remote Visual Assistance is the fastest way to ensure right claims with virtual examination.

Improve Risk Assessment and Damage Inspection with AR Genie

Enable Contactless Remote Visual tour of the damaged property by performing risk analysis in real-time through AR Genie, Augmented Reality powered assistance and make better informed decisions about coverage & pricing more accurately in less time.


Satisfied insurance agent after minimized claim lifecycle with AR claim

Real-Time Assessment with improved accuracy

Ensuring fair claim settlements through real time assessment, as Augmented Reality assistance allows adjusters to view & assess the damaged property remotely with the help of AR visuals & annotations, providing precise visual data with accuracy on time by communicating with the person on the ground through live video streaming.

Minimize Claim Life cycle

Enable faster claims by reducing the on-site visits of the insurer & policyholder, allowing them to remotely view & inspect the damage of the property through live remote assistance sessions to gather more information & helping in better underwriting, thus saving time and reducing the insurance claim life cycle.

Insurance agent processing the insurance claim faster with automation in insurance
Happy insurance provider with after AR risk management with augmented reality in adjustment sessions

Training & Education

Augmented Reality can be used to train the insurance agents for helping them to practice handling various situations they might encounter during the insurance claiming process by creating the AR immersive simulated scenarios that mimic the real world situations for their better understanding, enhancing their education and skills.

Improve Customer Engagement

AR Technology can boost and improve customer engagement by simplifying many insurance complex concepts in an easy way through interactive AR apps or tools, educating and helping them to understand their policies, coverage explanations and risk prevention measures.

Happy insurance agent and customer with easy onboarding with AR in insurance

How It Works


Customer receives invite link for remote AR session with adjuster
Adjusterconnects tocustomer by sending invite link of the remote session for viewing oranalyzing the current situation of the damaged property


Remote adjust views damaged customer property on live video stream
Adjuster view the damaged property in real time through live camera video streaming during remote session & identify the situation


Remote insurance adjuster guides the insurance holder using augmented reality to better analyze the damage
Adjuster guides the customer through AR annotations & tools for better inspection of the damaged property.


The insurance adjuster has enough information regarding the damage to process the claim
Adjuster gather the essential current information or accurate data regarding the claim.